Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Hard to believe it has been over 1.5 years since I last posted an update. And over 2.5 years since I entered the OR. Time flies! I mad my goal Weight of 150 in the fall off 2010 and some how was not able to stop til recently at 138ish. I am not complaining but I miss my curves. I never sought out to be skinny just healthy. I was tired of being limited by my weight. Going to theme parks and not being able to fit on rides, or going to the mountains and not having the energy to hike or enjoy a ropes course. And the fact that society felt I wasn't good enough was hard at times especially being in the business I am in, hearing a million times you would be so pretty if you just lost weight. But that is over and done with now. Life has changed so much since I started this journey in 2009. Slowly life has settled back to normal, and most importunity I have found my way back home.
So many opportunities opened up to be because my confidence emerged! I found the woman that had been locked away. Well enough talk here are some updated pics from some shoots!
Me and my incredible sons!!!



Ms. Orange said...

Kim you are a beautiful person!!

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